
    Providing Access to Clean Drinking 水 in Satikran, Côte d'Ivoire


    In the small village of Satikran, located about 30 km from Abengourou in the sub-prefecture of Aniassué, life is changing for the better. 推荐买球平台农业在Côte科特迪瓦的橡胶企业——社会农业工业集团(SAIC)——向该村捐赠了一台太阳能水泵, bringing access to clean drinking water to more than 12,000居民.

    捐赠 is part of the Nassey program, 在当地方言中是“谢谢”的意思,旨在表达推荐几个足彩外围app对农村社区社会发展的感激和承诺. 太阳能水泵将为社区提供安全、清洁的饮用水, something they have long struggled to access.

    捐赠, which was made in time for World 水 Day, 奥古斯丁·阿佩蒂呢, Deputy Managing Director of SAIC, expressing his joy at the pump’s impact on the community saying, "What a relief for our mothers, 姐妹, 和女儿! So many lives to change!"


    The pump is capable of delivering clean drinking water a flow rate of 18m3 有两个喷泉, providing enough water to supply the 12,000居民 living in the village of Satikran and its surrounding community. 孩子们不再需要走很远的路去取水,而是可以集中精力上学, while women can also now focus on farming and income generating activities.

    捐赠太阳能水泵是推荐买球平台农业在该地区开展的一系列社会倡议中最新的一项. 自2017年以来, the Nassey programme has rewarded the best students in Aniassué, Azaguie, and Diamarakro with school kits, 袋, 和笔记本电脑. 该方案还提供了三轮车,用于在aniassu村清除垃圾,并开展了关于母乳喂养和营养的宣传活动, benefiting more than 250 mothers, 女孩, 和祖母.

    现在, with the addition of the solar power pump, 萨提克兰社区将获得清洁和安全的可靠水源,免于水传播疾病,从而获得新生. 

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