


    来自波科拉村的23名妇女, 在刚果共和国, this year's International Women's Day will be remembered as the beginning of an unprecedented journey. They committed themselves towards a livelihood they could never otherwise have imagined – and along the way, 教育她们的丈夫, 家庭和未来的同事平等和赋权.

    3月8日推出, 2021, Project MaC - 'Menagere a Constructrice' or '首页 Maker to 首页 Builder' allowed women in the north of the 刚果共和国 to develop skills for constructing wooden houses, 使他们能够确保在刚果森林工业公司发挥作用. 该项目的成功为2021年8月8日推出第二版铺平了道路. 这是CIB欢欣鼓舞的时刻, seeing the 23 women from the first edition graduate and welcoming the new batch of 20 women for the second edition.

    从1968年到六个月前, 林业, wood and wood products operations were filled mainly by male workers at Congolaise Industrielle des Bois. 这个项目, 在培训结束时没有任何费用或义务, 努力在性别平等方面取得更好的平衡, 挑战性别刻板印象,转变思维方式. It opens up what is seen as a men-only domain by enabling women to learn wooden housing construction and crafting furniture.

    CIB的社区关系小组成员挨家挨户地走访, 市场, 学校, 以及向社区介绍项目的社交场所. The women of the first and the second edition crossed cultural barriers as they applied for the training, 通过笔试, 医学测试, 在被项目接受之前还要接受面试. This was possible thanks to an exceptional collaboration within CIB's departments like Communications, 人力资源, 诊所的医疗团队, CRS和IT.

    6月8日, 2021, these homemakers from the first edition finished their training and began a new chapter of their lives of becoming home builders. 100%出勤率,零中途放弃, each woman worked hard towards acquiring the skills required for the job and was assigned to specific projects for CIB. 因此,刚果共和国将看到充满热情和权力的妇女建造新房.

    这个项目不是CIB的一次性意图. MaC项目体现了联合国2030年可持续发展目标的多个要素, 包括促进性别平等, 人人享有生产性就业, 消除贫困. 这是对经济赋权的重要承诺的一部分, 性别平等和创建更具包容性的社会. 因此,这23名妇女在中央情报局的其他部门进一步接受培训. We want to prove that many technical professions can be accessible to women, not only woodworking. 到2021年底, 他们成为CIB的精英员工之一, 作为木材专家, 质量检查人员,对行业了如指掌.


    第二版是第一版大获成功的产物. 这次最新招生活动的最大突破是合作伙伴前来参加. 这确实是CIB和伙伴关系的分水岭时刻。 Ajita Chowhan今年早些时候,他构思并启动了这个项目.

    Project MaC is indeed a global project now as this edition also has women coming from all corners of Congo and from our partners like 野生动物保护协会 (WCS)和 刚果保护公司. 

    WCS刚果和 Nouabale Ndoki基金会 (FNN)很高兴五位来自Bomassa和Makoa的女性, 邻近的模糊神经网络, 是否被邀请参加9月份开始的类似课程. 这六名妇女是由FNN的社区发展小组选出的, 由CIB提供培训及住宿, 膳食和交通由美国国际开发署的EPP资助. These new skills learnt by this ambitious group of ladies will be much in demand in the coming years, with the exciting tourism development and construction projects planned for 2022 and as the park operation continues to grow. 本•埃文斯 努阿巴尔-恩多基国家公园主任, 说到倡议, "Supporting economic empowerment of women in the communities around the park is a priority for us. 我很高兴看到这次培训的结果, 哪一个, 感谢CIB, will help our neighbours in Bomassa and Makao pick up essential skills for starting their businesses!"

    刚果自然保护公司(CCC)经营着三家小屋, Odzala- kokoua国家公园的Odzala探索营地, 有没有从当地社区派一名妇女去培训. 凯伦·沃森, 首席运营官, 指出, "This is a wonderful initiative that we are very excited to see women play a more significant role and engage in positions in our company traditionally reserved for men. 而推荐几个足彩外围app的起点很小, 推荐几个足彩外围app很高兴能参与到这个优秀的项目中来,看看它会带来什么.“CCC希望今年送出一名女性,明年能送出更多女性. We believe in this project and the positive impact is currently having and will have in the communities surrounding the park. It provides the opportunity of a cultural shift and now stands as a great reference and testimony that women can do wonders if given a chance.

    CIB张开双臂欢迎这些合作伙伴支持的女性候选人. 推荐几个足彩外围app的目标是使这个项目成为一个年度计划. 这是一种回馈CIB所在社会的方式. 这个关于经济赋权的项目, 性别平等, 行动比语言更响亮, and campaigns that have an immediate impact put Pokola on the national map and Congo on the world map.

    “CIB现在肩负着巨大的责任,要继续这样崇高的目标. 这个项目给了河这边的妇女一些严重缺乏的东西. 做梦的能力, 一个证明自己能力的机会, 指引他们规划孩子的未来和子孙后代,阿吉塔说。.

    伸出手去 wood@olamnet.com 如果你想成为下一版的家庭制造者到家庭建造者项目的合作伙伴, 性别质量或妇女赋权.
